Ronin Training Center is about adaptive movement. Skills and fitness you can take outside of the gym and use throughout your day. We are dedicated to helping you become healthier, stronger, more confident through movement. We are about helping you finding your physical and mental limitations in life and working through them. Everyone has a starting point. Whether you are at an advanced fitness level or you have never exercised a day in your life there are ways you can improve your quality of life. We have today to make tomorrow better. The joy of being human is that we are not perfect. We can always work on our technique and learn new skills. I have never heard anyone being born able to walk and talk right out of the womb. It was a process of learning. Ronin Training is an expansion of that process. We exercise and train to be better at life.
250 Holly St.
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Slack Lines
Suspended Ropes
Barbells & Bumper Plates
Free Weights
Heavy bags
Battle Ropes
Mats & Blocks
Kettle Bells & Steel Mace
Medicine balls & Rings
Custom Obstacle Course
Climbing wall
Rest Room